Facebook ads are one of the best tools known to mankind at the moment for quickly and easily generating new enquiries, customers and leads for your business.


Just in the past week, I achieved £1,000 in sales for my business in under a day, from a spend of only £43, as well as directing 50 interested potential customers to my clients’ website for under £20 and generating over 60 leads for another client in 3 days.


If you’re not using them, you might want to learn about how they could best help you in your business by downloading my free guide here: CLICK NOW

However, because Facebook ads are such a powerful marketing tool – and very quick and cheap to set up, it can be very tempting to jump in and use them without thinking your strategy through properly.

Just like anything in business, Facebook ads will work best for you when you plan what you want to achieve and how best to get there, and when you combine them with your other marketing and PR.


Even if you offer a product or service that is a considered purchase, using Facebook ads can be a simple and cheap way to generate leads for your business . Using a well-crafted ad with compelling copy and an offer that attracts your ideal customer, you can grow your database of leads very rapidly


However, in the excitement and rush to get this working for you, please don’t erode your positioning and compete with your own branding, just to get those leads.


Branding and positioning is key to your marketing and attracting the right customers for you, so jeopardising it can be a costly mistake. However, I have seen businesses give their (normally sensibly-priced) product or service away on Facebook for a crazily low price, just in the rush to get leads.

Doing this anywhere, but using Facebook ads especially,  will do 4 things:

  1. make people think your product or service isn’t any good
  2. attract the wrong type of customer for you (who doesn’t appreciate the value of what you offer and doesn’t want to pay any money for it)
  3. make any of your customers who are currently paying your regular price question the value they are getting
  4. advertise to a wide community that you’re willing to give your product or service away for a song.


No. Don’t do it.


A much better strategy is to really get inside the heads of the customers you want to attract and to offer them something of value (maybe an ebook , guide or voucher), in exchange for their email, direct mail or mobile phone details.


Then you can take them through a series of baby steps to convert them, building on your positioning, using email, phone calls, text and/ or direct mail marketing and nurturing. You  might include offering a free trial or ‘taster’ of your product or service, at the end of this process, but only when you’ve had a chance to qualify that the prospect is the right one for you and values what you offer..


Do NOT exchange your positioning for a lead, especially in the very public arena of social media.


Use Facebook ads smartly and they will be your business’ best friend.

But please make sure you do your planning first so that you can get the very best from them,.

(I’ve not included some of the examples I’ve seen out on Facebook here as I don’t think it’s fair to the businesses involved, Trust me, theses examples are real.)

If you’d like to get started using Facebook ads to grow your business, in a smart and strategic way, then you need to check out my online course here: http://www.bramblebuzz.co.uk/facebook-business-accelerator/