How do you rate Facebook Pages?

I’ve been up to my eyes in Facebook recently, working for clients. It goes in phases, but there is certainly a market for Facebook set-ups and posting content at the moment. I have been finding some aspects more difficult than I expected though! For example, a...

Look to your content!!

I have been reading a few articles recently on content marketing, including this one: I have to say that I completely agree...

When do you call in the experts?

There are a couple of things that have happened over the last couple of days that have inspired me to write this post. I’m going to apologise in advance if it sounds preachy – it’s not meant to, but it might!!! First off, my birthday! It was a bit of a mad day so I...

How engaged are you?

I know I’ve written a blog post before about how to bring ‘likes’ to your Facebook Page, but what do you do then? You’ve worked hard to get your ‘likes’ or fans there – by means of a competition, or promotion or advertising your Page to an audience of friends, maybe....

Why did you go into business?

I have been having several conversations recently with friends and lovely business owners I have met through networking groups about why people went into business in the first place and what they actually spend time doing now. The answer, time and time again, is that...

Are you doing too much at once?

I have recently been introduced to Richard Denny and his books. I have to say that I highly recommend them to anyone in any management position, whether employed or entrepreneur. You could say that a lot of his teachings are common sense and maybe they are, but if...